As I type, I feel the figurative cobwebs on my keyboard being dusted off. It has been a long time since I wrote to you.
2023! What a year, right?!
We experienced so many things: learning, loving, losing, winning, hurting, progressing, regressing, growing and more. It was truly a roller coaster for a lot of people.
One thing I love about life (and Mondays) is that it presents us a chance to reset and redirect our energies per time.
No matter how crazy your 2023 was, tomorrow is a new chance to shape your 2024.
I want to share with you one important lesson I learned in 2023: avoid confirmation bias. I wrote about biases here a few months ago.
Confirmation bias is when we ignore or dismiss evidence that contradicts our beliefs, and only look for or accept information that supports them.
One golden rule I follow now is to always seek out arguments against my own positions. Not because I want to be wrong, but because I want to understand other perspectives and how they can help me make better decisions.
So in 2024, be open-minded, seek out different ideas, be comfortable with being vulnerable and wrong, avoid groupthink, and don't be afraid to challenge the status quo.
I’ll leave you with this quote from F. Scott Fitzegerald -
“the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function”