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One of the most influential figures in my life, Parminder Vir OBE, recommended a book to me years ago titled The Art of Powerful Questions. This book basically transformed my thinking process and why I needed to question everything.
Today I am going to focus on the most powerful of all questions - “WHY?”
If you ever hung around children or babysat kids you’ll constantly hear them ask ‘why’, always. When kids repeatedly ask “why?” they’re trying to see the underlying reasoning behind what they’re told by the world. The answers they get often determined how they process the information and the resulting behaviour/actions, rather than just going with the flow.
Unfortunately, a lot of us grew up in a world where we were forced to conform over time. That response - “Because I said so” rejects that natural instinct to question things and says “stop reasoning and obey.” We then become adults who only know how to obey rather than trust ourselves.
Society has inadvertently conditioned people to be more similar because ‘us’ is believed to be safer than ‘them’. When you release yourself from the pressure of social conditioning you are free to be yourself.
By learning to question everything and constantly ask ‘why’ you awaken the inner child and childlike curiosity that helps you act on reasonable data.
So the real question is why do we not ask “why” more? Why do we assume we already know the answer, and become more preoccupied with asking what, how, when, and who?
What is your why?
Why do you behave the way you do?
Why do you believe in what you believe in?
Why did you choose your career?
Why do you get upset easily?
Why don’t you have friends?
Why why why why…..
Keep asking why???!!!
Asking why doesn’t hurt!
This was such an amazing read. Thank you for reminding us to preserve that childlike curiosity. It's golden.