There is no one formula to winning the race
Chronicles of an Afropreneur
Dear ,
I just realized that I haven't shared my thoughts with my community this week.
I was scrolling through Twitter the other day and I saw a tweet was piqued my attention - "The fastest route is not always a straight line".
This quote became all too real for me in the last few hours while dealing with some important issues.
We often misrepresent life as a linear journey with all the variables adhering to a set of rules. Unfortunately, it is not always so.
So next time you are faced with difficulties, remember that challenges WILL always arise, it is only temporary and keep moving.
Now let's go back to science - taking into consideration the effect of gravity, friction, acceleration etc, it is very possible for a moving object that takes a curved path to reach the destination faster that an object that follows a straight line.
So even science has proved it!
On a lighter note, for those that drive in Lagos, have you ever taken a 'short cut' that was meant to half the distance of the journey yet you spent more time stuck navigating that route? Even though it appeared to be the fasted route?
Even Lagos has proved the quote! 😂
Don't be too concerned by the speed at which your peers are moving, or the challenges that life keeps slapping at you. What's most important is that you keep being resilient and flexible, learning from each path of the journey, and focused on the end goal!
Keep Grinding,