You are the answer!
Chronicles of an Afropreneur

Dear ,
Today's email will be short and sweet - You are the answer to someone's problem.
You have unique skills and perspectives that can solve a problem. The issue is, most people are looking for seemingly big problems to solve when they can give value in many other ways.
You rob the world of a solution when you sit comfortably in your space and do nothing to help others.
Stop overthinking value! Value is in the eye of the beholder. You may not have a cure for cancer but you certainly can solve a problem for someone in ways others can't.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What problems do people come to me to solve?
- What problems do you enjoy solving for others?
- What issues can you solve in your sleep?
- What problems challenge and motivate you?
Stop waiting to be the 'best' before you think you can solve a problem, therein lies the problem. People are not always looking for the best solution in the market, they are looking for the best solution for their own problem.
What problems can you solve?
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