I felt like quitting
Chronicles of an Afropreneur
Dear ,
I am going to share a vulnerable moment with you today, this mail might appear long for some people. Bear with me :)
Yesterday, I felt like quitting and just stop sharing on my Instagram account.
Many years ago, as a newbie on Instagram, I joined the F4F (follow for follow) train thinking I was smart and amassed half of my followers, although I wasn't posting as much because my strategy then was to grow my Linkedin account. Fast forward to late 2019, my strategy had somewhat changed. I wanted to reach the demographic that needed education and clarity in combining business and life, and Instagram had them in droves. So I changed my strategy and started posting relatable content that taught business and life lessons regularly on my Instagram page.
I began to amass amazing followers, some of which I enjoy engaging with every day. BUT.... I just wasn't satisfied with the growth. Guess why? - My wife's Instagram growth has been amazing. Her engagement rate is nothing short of phenomenal, and she amasses likes "like water". By the way, she posts equally awesome content on branding and you should definitely follow her - @ms_einsteinette.
So yesterday eve, I made this post because I was tired! I wanted more shinny things like all the other great Instagram accounts - https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRWdNIlurh/.
I woke up this morning to some of the most amazing comments from the community. Then it hit me, I needed to be reminded of what I teach people all the time. What I had experienced in the past (in another form) and knew the answers to -
Stop seeking validation in the metrics that don't matter (vanity metric).
Build a tribe of people that support you.
Success is not a day's journey.
You will feel de-motivated sometimes, and that is ok. How you deal with that emotion is what matters.
Think back, look out for the small wins and be grateful for growth.
Are you feeling de-motivated today? What fills you with dread this Monday morning? Share with me, I have some words of encouragement for you.
And hey, I started an online radio targeting African entrepreneurs about two months ago, have you listened? what do you think? - http://radio.theafropreneur.net/
Keep grinding,

Abimbola Adebakin shared tips on how to build businesses that will stand the test of time. Click on the image to listen to our conversation