Why let the past hold you back?
Chronicles of an Afropreneur
What is holding you back?
Last weekend was fun, I did something I don't do often - I attended a festival, the Chale Wote Festival in Ghana.
Here's why this is so significant to me - I dislike crowds, especially when they are all sweaty and pressing on each other. Thinking back, I got lost in a crowd when I was just 6 years old hence my fear.
What exactly is holding you back? What experience(s) have you held on to which is now limiting you? Is it the fear of failure? Or disappointing your parents, peers? *add your fear here*
Experience has taught me that, among other things, we are our biggest limiter! So get out of your way and become comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Robert G Allen said "Everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone"
To succeed in something you have to step out of your comfort zone, inch by inch. You don't have to do it all at once, target small wins every day.
Worry not about the things you can change, change it!
Worry not about the things you can't change, channel your energy into something more productive!
Finally, I apologize for not responding to most of my emails last week. I'm back now (to regular internet phew!) and will respond to everyone who has inquired about coaching for business success.
Keep Grinding,