Hello Accra, My Presentation at GSE
Chronicles of an Afropreneur
Hello Accra! Why so different?
Hella Accra, it's me again! Landed Accra by 7:30am and spent about 3 hours driving around (a problem with the "Bolt" map and some exploration). One thing stands out in Accra when compared to Lagos - Order.
And a sentence from the book I was reading during the flight (How To Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh aka SuperWoman) lit up in my head - "If you can't control people, then control your reaction to them. if you can't control a situation, then prepare for it!"
It's the same in Entrepreneurship, how you react to the market forces, your customers, the competition etc will determine how well your business will do in the long run.
GSE Digital Accelerator 2019
Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking to the 2019 GSE cohorts on Market Segmentation - Building Your Business to Succeed.
For those requesting for the slides, you can download it here - http://bit.ly/2KL4OYO